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  • 24 Apr 2012 12:15 PM | USGBC-CCGBC (Administrator)
    USGBC is releasing another public comment period from May 1st - May 15th.  This period will be to review the final changes and see what is up for ballot in June.  This will be the last chance to send in your comments so please take the time to review, LEED 2012 will be in effect for at least 2 years starting in late fall.

    Find Out More:
  • 18 Apr 2012 10:31 AM | USGBC-CCGBC (Administrator)

    Please join the California Central Coast Chapter (C4) of the U.S. Green Building Council in Ventura on Monday, April 23rd, at 5:30 PM for an informative presentation about the Building Performance Institute (BPI) by local Green Building Contractor and BPI-certified Building Analyst Wayne Pendrey.


    The Building Performance Institute (BPI) is a non-profit organization started by a small group of builders, architects, and material suppliers seeking to improve standards of quality and performance in the residential building industry. BPI utilizes test-in and test-out procedures to establish quantifiable numbers that measure a building’s energy efficiency, identifying through this process potential areas for improvement ranked in order of priority for likely energy savings. This presentation will cover how an individual can earn a professional credential become BPI certified, and how a company can become accredited.


    Wayne Pendrey  has over 35 years in the construction industry beginning in 1976 with the US NAVY Seabees. Wayne became a licensed contractor in 1993, and In 2000 began serving on the board of directors for the Ventura County Contractors Association where he founded the Green Building Committee. Wayne is also a founding member of the USGBC-C4 and serves on the board of directors. In 2011 Wayne became certified by the Building Performance Institute as a Building Analyst. Wayne teaches Cal Green building codes and Green building construction methods through the Center for Employment Training.


    The presentation takes place at the Patagonia Firehouse Building, 280 W. Main Street in downtown Ventura on Monday, April 23rd 2012, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm.   The monthly meetings are free and open to the public.


    For more information, please call (805) 487-9821, or visit the C4 website at usgbcc4.org

    Contact: Wayne Pendrey, Regional Chair

    Phone:  (805) 487-9821

    email:  pendrey.consulting@gmail.com

  • 20 Mar 2012 12:34 AM | USGBC-CCGBC (Administrator)

    SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA – The San Luis Obispo County Green Schools Action Group 2012 kick-off meeting took place on Tuesday, March 20th, with over 60 community members in attendance. The action group, which is chaired by the Central Coast of California Chapter (known as “C4) of the United States Green Building Council, is the culmination of the landmark green schools movement taking place in our county and is comprised of leading stakeholders in the K-12 and tertiary school communities.

    "The green schools movement is the biggest thing to happen to education since the introduction of technology to the classroom," says Glenn Cook, Editor in Chief of American School Board Journal. This action group has set an aggressive timeline to reach county-wide and nation-wide goals for greening our schools, and they intend to reach them by fostering collaboration between school districts and other stakeholders, sleuthing out opportunities for grants, encouraging partnerships and celebrating success, promoting information sharing, and serving as a platform for making a true impact in the schools of our county.

    Community members at this meeting included administrative representatives from public and private school districts, managers of school facilities and food service departments, teachers and educators, parents and PTA representatives, Cal Poly staff and students, local government officials and County Board of Supervisors, members of non-profit and non-government organizations, the County Office of Education, and diverse group of industry (renewable energy, lighting, HVAC, contractors) representatives.

    As a follow up from this launch, the SLO County Green Schools Action Group will chair a series of green schools “Seminars for Success”, each focused on a topic relevant to green schools (i.e., Energy, Water, Recycling, Curriculum, etc.). The first seminar, which will be comprised of a panel of local experts and round-table discussion, will take place on April 19th, 2012, at the Ludwick Community Center. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please direct any comments or inquiries to the committee co-chairs, Erin Inglish from the Lucia Mar Unified School District (einglish@lmusd.org) or Jen McIntyre from the Integrated Waste Management Authority (jenmcintyreca@gmail.com). More information is available at www.usgbcc4.org.


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